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Male Weight Loss

By Sammy Ason

Why is weight loss in males different from that in females? Simply put, females have a harder time losing fat than men do. It's important to note that regardless of genetics or choice of fat loss approach, women can still lose weight. Apart from genetics playing a role, men are more likely to lose weight because working out gives them the upper hand.

In addition, males are naturally muscular and tend to have a higher percentage of it in their body. The male physique is designed to be leaner than the female version. It is also natural for males to develop muscles as they reach the development stages of their lives. But this doesn't mean that women don't carry muscle, they do, but at lesser amounts than males.

It is a fact that the male hormone testosterone is present in a much higher rate in men than women. Testosterone causes the male body to develop a more muscle mass and is more conducive in the weight loss process as a result. Testosterone leads to muscle development and muscles are more likely to accelerate the rate at which fat is burned from the body. Males should take comfort in having a slight advantage over women in that muscle is key to fat loss. But that does not mean they should slack off and not participate in training their bodies to burn fat.

For the best possible outcomes, men should consume foods such as beef, chicken and fish, as these are high in protein. Other food choices that contain protein are legumes and nuts. The presence of protein in the body enables muscle production to occur. Without protein, muscle mass in a male is at its lowest. In addition to developing a protein-rich diet, exercise should be the next priority for those seeking to burn off fat.

Becoming more physically active includes playing sports such as basketball, football, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, baseball, tennis and volleyball. All of these are some examples of popular sports that can lead to weight loss. Apart from participating in sports, it can be beneficial to jog, run, bike-ride, roller-skate or swim to increase your endurance.

While sports are a popular form of exercise, working out is the clear choice when it comes to burning off fat. This doesn't imply that you can't do both at the same time. But working out is better at targeting your muscles and allows you to tone your body. Before long, you too, will be able to see the definition in your body, if you choose to exercise. All in all, anybody is capable of getting results if they try their hardest to do so.

Male Weight Loss Male Weight Loss Reviewed by Zaki on 9:44 PM Rating: 5

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